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Cicadas To Emerge In Illinois In 2024

Cicadas to Emerge in Illinois in 2024

Massive Emergence of Two Broods Expected

Location and Timing

Get ready for a buzzing summer as two broods of cicadas are expected to emerge in Illinois in 2024. Brood XIX, a 13-year brood, will emerge in the northern half of the state, while Brood XIII, a 17-year brood, will be prevalent in the southern half. Scientists predict that the emergence will begin in May and peak in June. The cicadas will mate and lay eggs, creating a loud and unforgettable chorus that can be heard throughout the day.

Life Cycle and Biology

Cicadas spend most of their lives underground as nymphs, feeding on plant roots. After 13 or 17 years, they emerge from the ground and molt into adults. The adults have a short lifespan of just a few weeks, during which they mate and lay eggs.

Impact on the Environment

While the emergence of cicadas can be a nuisance for humans, it is an important event for the ecosystem. The cicadas provide a food source for birds, bats, and other animals. Their dead bodies also enrich the soil with nutrients.

Advice for Residents

Residents can expect to see and hear cicadas in large numbers during the summer of 2024. While they are generally harmless, it is important to protect pets from ingesting them. Cicadas can also damage young trees, so it is recommended to cover them or apply insecticides. For more information on the 2024 cicada emergence in Illinois, please visit the Illinois Natural History Survey website.
